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에너지/전자재료연구실 - 박병남교수님
● 연구실 호수: 1공학관 K417호
● 전화번호: 320-1631
● 이메일: metalpbn @hongik.ac.kr
● Selected Publications
Electronic transport in
nanometre-scale silicon-on-insulator membranes,
P Zhang, E Tevaarwerk, B
Park, DE Savage, GK Celler, I Knezevic, Nature 439 (7077), 703-706
Functional Self‐Assembled Monolayers for Optimized Photoinduced
Charge Transfer in Organic Field Effect Transistors,
B Park, P
Paoprasert, I In, J Zwickey, PE Colavita, RJ Hamers, P Gopalan, Advanced Materials 19
(24), 4353-4357
Creating and optimizing interfaces
for electric-field and photon-induced charge transfer,
K Whitham, J Cho, E Reichmanis, B Park ACS nano 6 (11), 9466-9474
Additive-Free Hollow-Structured
Co3O4 Nanoparticle Li-Ion Battery: The Origins of Irreversible Capacity
Loss, Y Kim, JH Lee, S Cho, Y Kwon, I In, J Lee, NH You, E
Reichmanis, H Ko, B Park,
ACS nano 8
(7), 6701-6712
Simultaneous Study of Exciton
Diffusion/Dissociation and Charge Transport in a Donor‐Acceptor Bilayer: SE Cho, Y
Kim, WJ Lee, NH You, I In, E Reichmanis, B Park, Advanced
Materials 25 (44), 6453-6458
Optically switchable smart windows
with integrated photovoltaic devices, HK Kwon,
KT Lee, K Hur, SH Moon, MM Quasim, TD Wilkinson, B Park, JY Han, Advanced
Energy Materials 5 (3), 1401347
Preparation of conjugated
polymer/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for high-performance volatile
organic compound sensors, HJ Cheon, SY Shin, V Van
Tran, B Park, H
Yoon, M Chang, Chemical Engineering Journal 425, 131424
Competition between charge transport
and energy barrier in injection-limited metal/quantum dot nanocrystal contacts,
Y Kim, S Cho, S Jeong, DH Ko, H Ko, N You, M Chang, E Reichmanis, B Park, Chemistry of Materials 26 (22), 6393-6400
Carrier depletion mediated
exciton-surface plasmon coupling at the mesoporous TiO2/Ag interface,
Y Kim, J Kim, M Chang, B
Park, Applied Surface Science 575, 151690
● 연구관심분야: 에너지 (리튬이온배터리) 및 전자재료 (트랜지스터/센서)
● 전공과목: 에너지 재료/전자재료
개론/반도체 물성
● 주요 학력 및 경력
연세대학교 금속공학과 졸업
University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Materials Science PHD
Georgia Institute of Technology,
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Postdoc)
Cornell University, Chemical
Engineering (Postdoc)
University of
Illinois-Urbana-Champaign, Matreials Science and Engineering (Postdoc)